This website is dedicated to the life of Wanda Mellissa (Johnson) Petty. All communication of this page is current and directly from the offspring of the beloved WMJP who are solely responsible for the planning and execution of the memorial.

We, the descendants of Wanda M. (Johnson) Petty would like to thank you for all of the patience, love and support as we accept our mother’s need for rest. All our mother wanted to be when she grew up is a mom. She ALWAYS put us first… even in her transition request.
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Mommy, LADY, Mom, Ma, Momma,
Grandmom, Bubbie, Nan…
We adore you, we thank you!
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Simultaneously, we witnessed her touch so many of your lives… her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins (no matter how far removed), nieces, nephews (We’re talking to the great, great-greats too!), friends (although most became family), god-children, employers, co-workers, students, the list is infinite.
We all celebrated with our mother… & Wanda was the life of the party where ever she went! Many of you honored the departed with our mother… while she would find ways to radiate light in the darkest space, the life long educator and scholar gave clear notes on what to do when she said yes to God’s call home. This process may not feel like what you are used to… but it shouldn’t… Wanda is one of a kind.
We are overwhelmed with so many condolences and open arms of support. Our village is strong because of our mother. We appreciate everyone's patience as we made arrangements to grant our mother's request. While we know you all hold a special place in our mother's, thus our own... we just lost our mother. For the sake of our emotional stability, we will gather with everyone who is able on the 8/14/2021. We are grateful for those who are willing to accommodate us during our time of grief. Each of Wanda’s children have our own way of grieving, yet one thing is consistent… we’d love for you to share your memories of her!
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All updates from us and a place to publish your memories can be found at TheLifeOfWanda.com.
Enter your email below for updates!
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With love,
John, Maurice, Jessica, & Melissa